Soaring through the air
"It's high for me, me, me, me... it's high for me!"
Who has never been intrigued by these strange birds that circle above our heads around the Pic Saint-Loup?

The gliding centre sends you up in the air in a glider to slip into the skin of Bonelli's Eagle for a breathtaking glide!
They don't make any noise, but you can't miss them! As a local, you always have your eye on the Peak and I've seen the broomstick gliders flying around the Peak's cross since I was a child. "But without a motor, isn't it dangerous?" Curiosity being too strong, here we are, my companion and I, one morning in May on the tarmac of the gliding centre for a baptism in the air!
The guide reassures us that the updrafts allow us to keep the glider in the air for hours without danger, just like our friends the birds do. In spite of this, a certain apprehension is felt at the moment of fastening the harness and closing the canopy... Connected to the plane that tows us, the first few minutes see us gain altitude and begin a big turn to return to the Peak. Once above, we are freed from our tether, the plane moves away...

"Wow, that's it, we're flying!
A previously unknown sensation of lightness and zenitude overcomes me: only the whistling of the wind accompanies us as we overhang the cross of the Pic and the walkers who make signs. When we pass the walls, the sudden emptiness impresses and the 360 degree view amazes me!
The plain, the coastline and the sea, the Séranne, the Cévennes... Magical!
I have the pleasant feeling of touching with my finger the dream of men since the dawn of time, that of flying freely...