
Its exceptional setting and the good quality of its rock make Trascastel a site that is regularly visited throughout the year (a little less so in the summer during the hot weather). The presence of easy routes (discovery level) makes it accessible to groups (clubs and professionals) and to an amateur public. More demanding routes ("génération galère" sector) are a delight for experienced climbers.

  • 89 tracks. Height : from 25 to 80 m
  • GPS : 43.82956, 3.62045
  • Climbing guide "Saint-Jean-de-Buèges + Moulin de Bertrand" on sale at the Tourist Office of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup

Official record FFME : Tracastel
Official record FFME : Rocher du Midi

Sites to preserve!
The territory of the Community of Municipalities is concerned by four Natura 2000 sites: Pic Saint-Loup, Hautes Garrigues du Montpelliérais, Gorges de l'Hérault and Lez. These geographical areas are home to natural environments and wild animal or plant species identified as rare or fragile. Please respect the existing facilities and do not create new ones without prior consultation.

Find out more about the Natura 2000 approach in the Grand Pic Saint-Loup.

More information on climbing in the Hérault:

Reminder of the rules of practice and federal safety instructions for climbing in natural sites.
The climber or any practitioner of outdoor activities is solely responsible for his/her own safety. In the case of minors, this responsibility lies with the parents or the supervisor in accordance with the legislation in force.
Any advice or assistance does not exempt the person receiving or using it from assessing the risks to which he or she may be exposed as a result of his or her involvement in the chosen route or course. (