The Castle of Montferrand
Perched on its limestone spur overlooking the garrigue, the 12thᵉ century feudal castle dominates the plain and offers an unrivalled view of Saint-Mathieu de Tréviers, the Pic Saint-Loup and the Hortus.
The site is only accessible on foot, via a magnificent walk that starts at Saint-Mathieu de Tréviers and follows the GR60. Although the castle ruins themselves are now closed to visitors for safety and site preservation reasons, the Château de Montferrand remains an emblem of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup landscape and an exceptional panorama.

Originally owned by the County of Melgueil in the 12th century, the castle was confiscated from the Count of Toulouse during the Albigensian Crusade in the 13th century.
The Pope entrusted it to the Bishop of Maguelone. The Wars of Religion saw the castle change sides several times, before it was gradually abandoned in the 18th century.
Now owned by the Communauté de Commune du Grand Pic Saint-Loup, Château de Montferrand is the subject of a project to develop local heritage resources over several years.

Seemingly emerging from the cliffs, this ancient fortress is an emblematic feature of the Grand Pic Saint-Loup landscape.
Recognition of the château's heritage value
From the point of view of art history and architecture
As the prefectoral decree emphasises, the château is of sufficient interest to justify its preservation, both from the point of view of art history and architecture. This recognition is based on three points
- the castle's historic role in the Middle Ages as the county town,
- the tiered layout of the castrum, with a lordly dwelling in a dominant position and an aristocratic quarter at its foot,
- the military fortification at the beginning of the 17th century in the context of the Wars of Religion.
Protection as a historic monument is a public utility easement based on the heritage interest of a property, in order to ensure its conservation, restoration and enhancement. The concepts of rarity, exemplarity, authenticity and integrity are taken into account.
The benefits of protection
In addition to official recognition, this protection will help to ensure the preservation of the château: projects relating to the study, maintenance or restoration of the site may be eligible for state subsidies.
With a view to raising its profile, the Château de Montferrand will henceforth be identified by the "Monument historique" logo, inspired by the labyrinth of Rheims Cathedral.

On 15 June 2022, the Château de Montferrand was officially listed as a Historic Monument by the Prefect of the Region, on the advice of the Regional Commission for Heritage and Architecture.
This is an important step in the preservation and enhancement of this emblematic site in the region.
This protection procedure, at regional level, follows a request from the Communauté de communes du Grand Pic Saint-Loup, owner of the site. The Château de Montferrand has been listed in its entirety, including the ruins and the archaeological layers included within the perimeter of the enclosure.
Château de Montferrand listed as a Historic Monument.
Currently closed to visitors for security reasons, Château de Montferrand is the subject of a vast project to secure, safeguard and restore it over several years.
As part of this project, the Pic Patrimoine association is taking part in the Montferrand project, offering anyone who wants to get involved in preserving the château, including stone-cutting workshops.